Best Games for Next-Gen (So Far) - Glistco

Best Games for Next-Gen (So Far)

It’s been months since the release of the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles and lots of gamers have have been sending hours playing all the games the systems have to offer. We here at Glistco, when not working tirelessly bringing the best gaming accessories to you, are also enjoying all the capabilities the new consoles have to offer and that’s why we’ve created this nifty guide telling you our favourite games we’ve been playing on the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles. Read on!

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

The 22nd instalment of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, Valhalla, takes gamers to the age of the Vikings and this game is possibly one of the most immersive games available right now for the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles. You take the role of Eivor, a leader of a clan of vikings to settle in England. The gameplay in Valhalla takes the Assassin’s Creed franchise to new heights with fun and realistic combat such as using axes to kill enemies as well as sailing beautiful wide open seas. The massive open world of Valhalla sucks you a game that will surprisingly keep you laughing and enjoying until you’ve platinumed it. Valhalla takes full advantage of the capabilities provided by the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles and lets you explore while doing it in 4K and at a rate of 60fps. 

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

The semi-sequel to the smash hit Spider-Man game finds the lens focused on Peter Parker’s teenage protégée, Miles Morales, as he swings around New York City on the PS5. Being a the biggest launch title for the PS5 as well as a Playstation Studios exclusive, Sony made sure to beef up Miles Morales to be a great example of all the next-generation capabilities of the PS5. Spider-Man features a performance mode that lets the game run at 60fps. Miles Morales has reported some issues on the PS4 but playing on the PS5 delivers a stunning picture-perfect view of New York City in true 4K. Speedy load times and stunning visuals are some of the best perks of showing off what the PS5 can do. While it is true, the storyline feels rushed as you can finish the main story in under 3 hours and the combat feels repetitive, Miles Morales is a great first launch title that shows off the PS5 as well as gives you a fun Spider-Man story. 

God of War

2018’s Playstation exclusive, God of War, was a phenomenal game in its own right but with the recently-released PS5 upgrade, if you haven’t experienced it yet or played it years ago, it’s a must play for PS5 owners. The devs at Santa Monica surprised gamers with a PS5 upgrade that blows most games out of the water delivering gorgeous visuals and fast-paced combat at 60fps and a 4K resolution. God of War has long been an essential Playstation franchise since its birth in 2005 for the Playstation 2 consoles. God of War delivers stunning visuals through a 25-35 hour campaign that will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

Ori and the Will of Wisps

We understand that seeing a cartoonish 2D platformer on this list might be turning off, but give it a try! Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a gloriously stunning game filled with a massive open world forest for you to explore. Ori’s world is filled with minuscule details that truly heighten the experience of this game and make this world one you should explore. Ori and the Will of Wisps runs at a glorious 120 fps on the Xbox Series X and truly takes advantage of the X’s hardware power with vivid colours and impressive gameplay.


Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the smoothest games on either… Did you really think I was serious? Cyberpunk 2077 is not worthy of your money or your time - at least right now. The developers has promised next-gen upgrades later in the year but they also promised many other things. I couldn’t even get Cyberpunk 2077 to install properly on my PS5. Nonetheless, when the time comes, I would love to experience Night City and hang out with a cyborg Keanu Reeves.


Final Words

It may seem like there aren’t that many games yet that fully take advantage of everything the next-gen consoles have to offer…and that’s true. Halo Infinite isn’t due until the end of the year, Cyberpunk 2077 is filled with bugs and still unavailable on the Playstation Store and there are millions of gamers who still haven’t even been able to secure their consoles yet. Nonetheless, these 4 games listed above are truly stunning and really do immerse you in the vast galaxies that gaming lets us enter.

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